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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: My Pussy will be bigger than yours someday, though it already obviously is.

My Pussy will be bigger than yours someday, though it already obviously is.

Let me tell you what's wrong with people today. It's the bitchy whiny shit. I'm offended that you said fuck. Well I'm offended you got offended you whiny little bitch. You can't buy that gun because someone died from a gun once. Really? I don't think you should... I think you are... Basically, I'm telling you how to live your life because I'm a self-proclaimed superior to you.

My story tonight pissed me off and makes me think I'm in the movie Idiocracy... I blame public education.

Some "friend" on Facebook posts a picture of a Savannah Cat as if he wants one. As if they are awesomely cool, and they are. This is the picture he posted...

One of his friends comments that they are 20 grand. I comment that I've seen them for 1500, I hope they aren't 20 grand because I plan on getting one some day. Yes. I confess to you all here and now, I want a Savannah Cat. Oh the Humanity!

So then this blond twit gets on there with something along the lines of, "I can't believe people would spend money on a cat when there's so many for free in the shelter. It's wrong to buy a cat."

Right under my comment about buying the cat. Right under it! Yeah.

I could let it slide. Maybe she didn't notice my comment? Who the fuck am I fooling? She noticed. That's why she said what she said. Am I going to let it slide? Hell no. I'm sick of people doing that shit. They think it's ok because they are passive aggressively judging you on something stupid. Bull shit. An ass is an ass.

So I comment something along the lines, "My money is my money, and how I want to spend it is my choice. Quit worrying about what other people are doing and worry about what you are doing."

And this other friend of his who had the name of a black man yet was white and scrawny (had to point out, it's just an observation, I have yet to get to a point where I'm ready to make fun of that in my head) had to jump in and troll. "No you buying that cat is condoning the overbreeding of the poor female cats. Not to mention you aren't helping a cat in a shelter."

I pointed out his clothes were most likely made in sweat shops and his bank most likely received a government hand-out bail-out.

Then he argued that his clothes are made in sweat shops, but that's ok because he bought them second-hand and he had no choice. He had no choice in what clothes he wears. Me buying a cat is still wrong because buying a cat (unlike buying clothes) is a choice.

So I stuck to my guns... Don't play that holier than thou stuff with me. You need to worry about where you spend your money and I will worry about mine.

Then the twit chimes in with... "It's unethical" and various other choice words, "How dare you call us names? Quit complaining you complainer."

I'm like, "No it's not unethical, and you are rude. Where did you get your manners? Church? Need I remind you who is complaining?"

Then the guy was like, "You are performing ad hominem which makes you stupid and wrong."

So I googled Ad Hominen, and I'm thinking, how ironic... or hypocritical or something.

"1: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
2: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made"

So basically, calling me unethical and immoral, judging my character based on how I want to spend my money and then criticizing it as their argument for ethics... that is not a fallacy to their argument. But me saying "quit bitching and worry about what you do" is... This guy is completely at a disadvantage when it comes to IQ points. That's not an attack on his character. That's an actual fact. 

Then I pointed out it wasn't ad hominem, and this isn't an argument. It was simply they got on a high horse and I kindly knocked them off of it. It was simply I'm straight telling them they are not only rude, but also stupid. There is nothing to argue. 

He was like, "See, that's ad hominem." 

But the twit calling me Psycho, however, is not. ... which I should say, calling someone psycho really isn't that much different than calling someone retarded. As a psycho, I'm kind of offended that someone would make fun of my mental health, but you know what? I grew a pair and got the fuck over it. 

Before I could explain that just because I think he was stupider than tits on a bull, I wasn't saying that means he's wrong, I was blocked by the guy who wanted the cat to begin with. Yeah. He picked their side. And that totally redefines stupid to me at this point...

So basically, I'm going to hell because I want to buy a cat. I'm wrong because I want to buy a cat. God forbid I want to buy a cat. And who is trying to stop me? Not them according to them. And the guy who also wanted to buy a cat? He took their side about how that's immoral in a "debate." 

I blame public education. 

If you are one of those people who tell people how to live like that? I'm straight telling you (yeah I am using your logic against you here). Get the dick out of your ass so that you may remove your head from that hole, and then open your eyes. OMG! There's a world out there, and it's different than yours. 

And if I want to pay a few grand for a damn cat, I will pay a few grand for a damn cat. I will train it to eat your cat because fuck you, that's why. My cat is bigger than yours. 

P.S. I ran out of cold diet coke, and it's too late for energy drinks, so I had nothing else but vodka to drink, so I wrote this post slightly pissed off at the stupidity of mankind and buzzed. Forgetting to put fresh Diet Coke in the fridge, I also blame public education for that one. Not really, but I might as well. It's always their fault. 

P.P.S. I probably won't train my cat to eat yours because my cat will have taste, and it's kind of mean. I'm usually not a bitch. Some people just bring out the bitch in me. 

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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: My Pussy will be bigger than yours someday, though it already obviously is.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Pussy will be bigger than yours someday, though it already obviously is.

Let me tell you what's wrong with people today. It's the bitchy whiny shit. I'm offended that you said fuck. Well I'm offended you got offended you whiny little bitch. You can't buy that gun because someone died from a gun once. Really? I don't think you should... I think you are... Basically, I'm telling you how to live your life because I'm a self-proclaimed superior to you.

My story tonight pissed me off and makes me think I'm in the movie Idiocracy... I blame public education.

Some "friend" on Facebook posts a picture of a Savannah Cat as if he wants one. As if they are awesomely cool, and they are. This is the picture he posted...

One of his friends comments that they are 20 grand. I comment that I've seen them for 1500, I hope they aren't 20 grand because I plan on getting one some day. Yes. I confess to you all here and now, I want a Savannah Cat. Oh the Humanity!

So then this blond twit gets on there with something along the lines of, "I can't believe people would spend money on a cat when there's so many for free in the shelter. It's wrong to buy a cat."

Right under my comment about buying the cat. Right under it! Yeah.

I could let it slide. Maybe she didn't notice my comment? Who the fuck am I fooling? She noticed. That's why she said what she said. Am I going to let it slide? Hell no. I'm sick of people doing that shit. They think it's ok because they are passive aggressively judging you on something stupid. Bull shit. An ass is an ass.

So I comment something along the lines, "My money is my money, and how I want to spend it is my choice. Quit worrying about what other people are doing and worry about what you are doing."

And this other friend of his who had the name of a black man yet was white and scrawny (had to point out, it's just an observation, I have yet to get to a point where I'm ready to make fun of that in my head) had to jump in and troll. "No you buying that cat is condoning the overbreeding of the poor female cats. Not to mention you aren't helping a cat in a shelter."

I pointed out his clothes were most likely made in sweat shops and his bank most likely received a government hand-out bail-out.

Then he argued that his clothes are made in sweat shops, but that's ok because he bought them second-hand and he had no choice. He had no choice in what clothes he wears. Me buying a cat is still wrong because buying a cat (unlike buying clothes) is a choice.

So I stuck to my guns... Don't play that holier than thou stuff with me. You need to worry about where you spend your money and I will worry about mine.

Then the twit chimes in with... "It's unethical" and various other choice words, "How dare you call us names? Quit complaining you complainer."

I'm like, "No it's not unethical, and you are rude. Where did you get your manners? Church? Need I remind you who is complaining?"

Then the guy was like, "You are performing ad hominem which makes you stupid and wrong."

So I googled Ad Hominen, and I'm thinking, how ironic... or hypocritical or something.

"1: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
2: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made"

So basically, calling me unethical and immoral, judging my character based on how I want to spend my money and then criticizing it as their argument for ethics... that is not a fallacy to their argument. But me saying "quit bitching and worry about what you do" is... This guy is completely at a disadvantage when it comes to IQ points. That's not an attack on his character. That's an actual fact. 

Then I pointed out it wasn't ad hominem, and this isn't an argument. It was simply they got on a high horse and I kindly knocked them off of it. It was simply I'm straight telling them they are not only rude, but also stupid. There is nothing to argue. 

He was like, "See, that's ad hominem." 

But the twit calling me Psycho, however, is not. ... which I should say, calling someone psycho really isn't that much different than calling someone retarded. As a psycho, I'm kind of offended that someone would make fun of my mental health, but you know what? I grew a pair and got the fuck over it. 

Before I could explain that just because I think he was stupider than tits on a bull, I wasn't saying that means he's wrong, I was blocked by the guy who wanted the cat to begin with. Yeah. He picked their side. And that totally redefines stupid to me at this point...

So basically, I'm going to hell because I want to buy a cat. I'm wrong because I want to buy a cat. God forbid I want to buy a cat. And who is trying to stop me? Not them according to them. And the guy who also wanted to buy a cat? He took their side about how that's immoral in a "debate." 

I blame public education. 

If you are one of those people who tell people how to live like that? I'm straight telling you (yeah I am using your logic against you here). Get the dick out of your ass so that you may remove your head from that hole, and then open your eyes. OMG! There's a world out there, and it's different than yours. 

And if I want to pay a few grand for a damn cat, I will pay a few grand for a damn cat. I will train it to eat your cat because fuck you, that's why. My cat is bigger than yours. 

P.S. I ran out of cold diet coke, and it's too late for energy drinks, so I had nothing else but vodka to drink, so I wrote this post slightly pissed off at the stupidity of mankind and buzzed. Forgetting to put fresh Diet Coke in the fridge, I also blame public education for that one. Not really, but I might as well. It's always their fault. 

P.P.S. I probably won't train my cat to eat yours because my cat will have taste, and it's kind of mean. I'm usually not a bitch. Some people just bring out the bitch in me. 

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