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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: The least boring perspective you will read about economics and minimum wage: common sense curriculum

The least boring perspective you will read about economics and minimum wage: common sense curriculum

Idiocracy looking on corporate America
I've seen some heated debates where people are ready to pull the fingernails out of each other over topics like gun control, Obama, whether or not God exists, celebrity gossip, breastfeeding...  But the dumbfuckery in a debate about economics...

First of all, let me be clear, I'm not an economist. Some of those guys are dopes anyway, dopes who will never get laid outside of the dream state, so that's probably a good thing to put on my resume. But I did take Micro Econ and Macro Econ. I do read about it once in a while. And most importantly, I have a brain that is used to thinking for itself as opposed to accepting what the world tells it (the very basis of Macro-economics). I am not spitting out something I read like it's my idea here. I wish more of you would do the same. I mean people quote internet memes like it's the basis of their entire belief system. That's so sad. It's killing our country really. Thanks for contributing to the fall of Rome.

But as much of a specialist on the subject I am not, I can't follow the bull shit people repeat from the geniuses of our country. It's almost as if they watched one guy speak on Fox for 2 minutes, they think they are now economic experts.

The thing that gets me the most... Wage increases. America is scurred of a wage increase.

Let me tell you where I smell bull shit... I know inflation occurs without a wage increase. I know this because I just watched it happen to us. Gas prices went up, then the cost of everything else went up, hitting major cities first and the more rural areas last. Walmart did what everyone warned us in the 90's they'd do. They drove out the competition with low prices and then hiked their prices up. That's what they did. Those people were not idiots after all. Regardless, cost of living just went up. My grocery bill is triple today than what it was ten years ago. My gas, same thing. But you know what isn't triple what it was 10 years ago? Household income. That didn't go up at all really.

Cause and Effect Inflation
So now we know that it's very possible for inflation to occur without raising wages. It's been happening.

So people are telling me if we increase wages, inflation WILL occur because they saw it in their gypsy crystal globe sprinkled with fairy dust on Fox News. It's a fact people. Really it is. And we don't want that to happen because bread will be $50 a loaf.

But inflation keeps occurring regardless. So basically you strained your brain and your idea of a solution is to keep wages at $7.50 an hour. Keep corporations paying so little for jobs that go beyond minimum wage not disturbing this universe with crap like unions and regulations... So then that way, bread will be $50 a loaf some day while you are still making $7.50 an hour.

Oh but you think YOU are immune to that because you know you are worth more than $7.50 an hour and can make more than that on your "credentials." Your ego is cute. It really is.

You know what's going to happen? I looked through my Crystal Globe and I'll tell you what will happen with that... Right now, people working minimum wage generally qualifies for foodstamps, HUD Housing, welfare checks, and other various forms of government assistance. Something that wasn't the case 10 years ago. In 10 years, on the path we are going with inflation and wages, the managers of Walmart, the electricians, the truck drivers... they too will be eligible for state assistance. Your middle class will be on welfare.

But if you want to be a google expert on economics, we know corporations will raise prices to pay for increased wages. Thus the perpetual cycle that plagues this country which is why a loaf of bread is no longer a nickel like it was for your grandparents.

minimum wage as percentage of median earnings 2011I'm not saying increasing wages is a solution to the economics. I'm saying it has to be done to keep the problem from getting worse. Money is there regardless what you do. It's there. As of now, it's not being distributed well. Corporations are not going to make any money off their price increases without increasing wages, well not unless the government will do it for them with your tax paying dollars that you earned (i.e. welfare). And most of that leaves the country now because corporations are operating globally with America as their top customer and some other country as their top manufacturer. So, what do we do when that government welfare runs out? Do you think these corporations are going to bail out the government in the same way the government bailed them out?

Trickle down economics: We give money to the rich to trickle down to some other country our government borrows money from.

The funny part is it's the conservatives who hate to see the wage increase, the very ones who fear a socialistic state, and their ideas are taking us there. Fucking irony.

To the conservatives, unless you are in the top 2% of our nation's wealth, which most of you aren't (I know you want us to believe you are, <insert Cheshire Cat smile> in fact some of your opinions are there to position yourself as someone who might be, poser), what's going to happen is you too will be on welfare. Your kids will be on welfare. Bedwetting welfare mongrels of the future. And even worse, when that happens, people might mistake you to be a liberal.

And so you know... according to the "experts," the way to fix inflation is a supply/demand issue. In the case of America in 2014, gas prices were a major variable in this situation (thanks George W. Bush and your sneaky war and whatever you did with your corporate interests). The solution is to decrease demand for fuel by finding cleaner, go green options. If we all find a way to drive to work with less fuel, the overall prices of fuel will drop due to low demand, and prices to distribute stuff like cabbage and Hamburger Helper drop. Of course, no corporation is going to lower prices much if that happens (they'll just give their executives a bonus), but if your local farmer can operate at half the expense, he can compete with corporate prices and grow. But nobody really cares about cleaner energy and finding other options because that would solve a lot of problems and God forbid that happen. America is just addicted to drama. Period.

I promise you that your corporate executives have no problem increasing their wages. It's your wages that's the issue. Don't be a sucker. 

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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: The least boring perspective you will read about economics and minimum wage: common sense curriculum

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The least boring perspective you will read about economics and minimum wage: common sense curriculum

Idiocracy looking on corporate America
I've seen some heated debates where people are ready to pull the fingernails out of each other over topics like gun control, Obama, whether or not God exists, celebrity gossip, breastfeeding...  But the dumbfuckery in a debate about economics...

First of all, let me be clear, I'm not an economist. Some of those guys are dopes anyway, dopes who will never get laid outside of the dream state, so that's probably a good thing to put on my resume. But I did take Micro Econ and Macro Econ. I do read about it once in a while. And most importantly, I have a brain that is used to thinking for itself as opposed to accepting what the world tells it (the very basis of Macro-economics). I am not spitting out something I read like it's my idea here. I wish more of you would do the same. I mean people quote internet memes like it's the basis of their entire belief system. That's so sad. It's killing our country really. Thanks for contributing to the fall of Rome.

But as much of a specialist on the subject I am not, I can't follow the bull shit people repeat from the geniuses of our country. It's almost as if they watched one guy speak on Fox for 2 minutes, they think they are now economic experts.

The thing that gets me the most... Wage increases. America is scurred of a wage increase.

Let me tell you where I smell bull shit... I know inflation occurs without a wage increase. I know this because I just watched it happen to us. Gas prices went up, then the cost of everything else went up, hitting major cities first and the more rural areas last. Walmart did what everyone warned us in the 90's they'd do. They drove out the competition with low prices and then hiked their prices up. That's what they did. Those people were not idiots after all. Regardless, cost of living just went up. My grocery bill is triple today than what it was ten years ago. My gas, same thing. But you know what isn't triple what it was 10 years ago? Household income. That didn't go up at all really.

Cause and Effect Inflation
So now we know that it's very possible for inflation to occur without raising wages. It's been happening.

So people are telling me if we increase wages, inflation WILL occur because they saw it in their gypsy crystal globe sprinkled with fairy dust on Fox News. It's a fact people. Really it is. And we don't want that to happen because bread will be $50 a loaf.

But inflation keeps occurring regardless. So basically you strained your brain and your idea of a solution is to keep wages at $7.50 an hour. Keep corporations paying so little for jobs that go beyond minimum wage not disturbing this universe with crap like unions and regulations... So then that way, bread will be $50 a loaf some day while you are still making $7.50 an hour.

Oh but you think YOU are immune to that because you know you are worth more than $7.50 an hour and can make more than that on your "credentials." Your ego is cute. It really is.

You know what's going to happen? I looked through my Crystal Globe and I'll tell you what will happen with that... Right now, people working minimum wage generally qualifies for foodstamps, HUD Housing, welfare checks, and other various forms of government assistance. Something that wasn't the case 10 years ago. In 10 years, on the path we are going with inflation and wages, the managers of Walmart, the electricians, the truck drivers... they too will be eligible for state assistance. Your middle class will be on welfare.

But if you want to be a google expert on economics, we know corporations will raise prices to pay for increased wages. Thus the perpetual cycle that plagues this country which is why a loaf of bread is no longer a nickel like it was for your grandparents.

minimum wage as percentage of median earnings 2011I'm not saying increasing wages is a solution to the economics. I'm saying it has to be done to keep the problem from getting worse. Money is there regardless what you do. It's there. As of now, it's not being distributed well. Corporations are not going to make any money off their price increases without increasing wages, well not unless the government will do it for them with your tax paying dollars that you earned (i.e. welfare). And most of that leaves the country now because corporations are operating globally with America as their top customer and some other country as their top manufacturer. So, what do we do when that government welfare runs out? Do you think these corporations are going to bail out the government in the same way the government bailed them out?

Trickle down economics: We give money to the rich to trickle down to some other country our government borrows money from.

The funny part is it's the conservatives who hate to see the wage increase, the very ones who fear a socialistic state, and their ideas are taking us there. Fucking irony.

To the conservatives, unless you are in the top 2% of our nation's wealth, which most of you aren't (I know you want us to believe you are, <insert Cheshire Cat smile> in fact some of your opinions are there to position yourself as someone who might be, poser), what's going to happen is you too will be on welfare. Your kids will be on welfare. Bedwetting welfare mongrels of the future. And even worse, when that happens, people might mistake you to be a liberal.

And so you know... according to the "experts," the way to fix inflation is a supply/demand issue. In the case of America in 2014, gas prices were a major variable in this situation (thanks George W. Bush and your sneaky war and whatever you did with your corporate interests). The solution is to decrease demand for fuel by finding cleaner, go green options. If we all find a way to drive to work with less fuel, the overall prices of fuel will drop due to low demand, and prices to distribute stuff like cabbage and Hamburger Helper drop. Of course, no corporation is going to lower prices much if that happens (they'll just give their executives a bonus), but if your local farmer can operate at half the expense, he can compete with corporate prices and grow. But nobody really cares about cleaner energy and finding other options because that would solve a lot of problems and God forbid that happen. America is just addicted to drama. Period.

I promise you that your corporate executives have no problem increasing their wages. It's your wages that's the issue. Don't be a sucker. 

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