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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: Mother's Day Sucks

Mother's Day Sucks

Today is Mother's Day. I hate this holiday. It's like Christmas. I used to love it as a kid, but then I became a mom and things changed. I hate mother's day now. It's like being single for Valentine's Day. Being broke for Christmas. Burning the Thanksgiving Turkey. Everyone asking you what you are on Halloween because your costume does not speak for itself. It's a bum day. Period.

Let me tell you why. Outside the idea that my husband kind of competes for attention on this day, i.e. like a teenager starting arguments just for attention... The world is more consumed with a woman's ability to not have children than they are their ability to care for them. No matter where you go, no matter how minute the situation, you can't escape people with this mentality.

It's all people. Moms. Non-moms. Dads. Fifteen year olds. Bad parents are the worst of the bunch. It's like they are not only determined to fuck up their kids for society in the future, but they are determined to make you and your kids miserable in the process. They just want to watch the world suffer as they raise their spawns to be minions of hell and then again when their spawns try to get a job. They are like glitter coated legos made from cacti. It's because they are insecure about themselves as parents. Most bad parents should be. That's why they are bad parents. HA. I said it.

This mother's day sucks in particular. A couple days ago, my sister started a fight with me over me taking her kid out of town to visit family and a facebook post from last month. She attacked me. Wouldn't let me leave without attacking me a thousand times. She then had someone call and pretend to be the cops to scare me. Then she filed a restraining order against me, lying about stuff. Most people in my life seem to be on my sister's side. That's how manipulative she is. Don't even comment, "I'd love to kick your sister's ass for that" because she might find this and say I'm threatening her with your comment.

Because my mom has my sister's kid who texts her everything I do or say, I can't visit my mom because I risk breaking the restraining order with a third party deal.

The only good thing about today is my kid handed me a flower she made at school. You have no idea how much that meant to me. Of course, she dropped it on the floor and now there's a bunch of dirt on my white carpet....

The way I look at it. My family sucks. So I had to create my own and it's just time I leave whatever fucked up nest I got and create the nest I want to live in. I've been focusing too much energy on other nests, time and energy I should have reserved for my own nest.

So this mother's day, I urge all moms to take time to enjoy their own nest. Not the one you came from. The one you make, because it's only in that nest can you find rest. And by rest, I don't really actually mean actual sleep. That you won't find ever again congratulations welcome to motherhood.

If for whatever reason you spilled wine on your favorite shirt and like my blog, you know, you can subscribe to it.

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Blogs who I think sent me traffic to my blog that you should check out if you haven't...  I do read all of these blogs regularly.

The Bloggess

Insane in the Mom Brain

More than Cheese and Beer

Finding Ninee

Ooops I Said Vagina Again

Janine's Confessions of a Mommyaholic

PS. I already noticed a lot of my titles are something Sucks. Well I'm not in a happy phase right now. Get the fuck over it.

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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: Mother's Day Sucks

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Sucks

Today is Mother's Day. I hate this holiday. It's like Christmas. I used to love it as a kid, but then I became a mom and things changed. I hate mother's day now. It's like being single for Valentine's Day. Being broke for Christmas. Burning the Thanksgiving Turkey. Everyone asking you what you are on Halloween because your costume does not speak for itself. It's a bum day. Period.

Let me tell you why. Outside the idea that my husband kind of competes for attention on this day, i.e. like a teenager starting arguments just for attention... The world is more consumed with a woman's ability to not have children than they are their ability to care for them. No matter where you go, no matter how minute the situation, you can't escape people with this mentality.

It's all people. Moms. Non-moms. Dads. Fifteen year olds. Bad parents are the worst of the bunch. It's like they are not only determined to fuck up their kids for society in the future, but they are determined to make you and your kids miserable in the process. They just want to watch the world suffer as they raise their spawns to be minions of hell and then again when their spawns try to get a job. They are like glitter coated legos made from cacti. It's because they are insecure about themselves as parents. Most bad parents should be. That's why they are bad parents. HA. I said it.

This mother's day sucks in particular. A couple days ago, my sister started a fight with me over me taking her kid out of town to visit family and a facebook post from last month. She attacked me. Wouldn't let me leave without attacking me a thousand times. She then had someone call and pretend to be the cops to scare me. Then she filed a restraining order against me, lying about stuff. Most people in my life seem to be on my sister's side. That's how manipulative she is. Don't even comment, "I'd love to kick your sister's ass for that" because she might find this and say I'm threatening her with your comment.

Because my mom has my sister's kid who texts her everything I do or say, I can't visit my mom because I risk breaking the restraining order with a third party deal.

The only good thing about today is my kid handed me a flower she made at school. You have no idea how much that meant to me. Of course, she dropped it on the floor and now there's a bunch of dirt on my white carpet....

The way I look at it. My family sucks. So I had to create my own and it's just time I leave whatever fucked up nest I got and create the nest I want to live in. I've been focusing too much energy on other nests, time and energy I should have reserved for my own nest.

So this mother's day, I urge all moms to take time to enjoy their own nest. Not the one you came from. The one you make, because it's only in that nest can you find rest. And by rest, I don't really actually mean actual sleep. That you won't find ever again congratulations welcome to motherhood.

If for whatever reason you spilled wine on your favorite shirt and like my blog, you know, you can subscribe to it.

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You can also find me under these rocks...
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Blogs who I think sent me traffic to my blog that you should check out if you haven't...  I do read all of these blogs regularly.

The Bloggess

Insane in the Mom Brain

More than Cheese and Beer

Finding Ninee

Ooops I Said Vagina Again

Janine's Confessions of a Mommyaholic

PS. I already noticed a lot of my titles are something Sucks. Well I'm not in a happy phase right now. Get the fuck over it.

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