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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: Zimmerman. Racism. Sociopathy.

Zimmerman. Racism. Sociopathy.

Fuck Zimmerman. He might of gotten off this time, but he won't next time. At least he had his day in court. That was something nobody thought was going to happen back when this all began. And fuck all y'all who think Trayvon had no right to self defense because I've been chased by creepy dudes with unknown intentions. That's a helluva lot more fucking scarier than losing a fist fight. At least a fist fight, you don't have to worry about getting kidnapped, raped, and eaten alive type of shit that goes in your mind when you are being followed by a creepy rat bastard. ~My initial response to the Not Guilty Verdict
Zimmerman's verdict of Not Guilty has everyone on the interwebs talking. Many are pissed off. I'm one. Not for the same reasons most are...  I also think a lot of people came late in the game and really don't quite understand the story. 

First off, all the people talking smack about Trayvon need to shut up. I don't know how those people sleep at night. You are a fucked up human being if you enjoy making fun of a dead kid. No wonder people like that like Zimmerman. They suffer from the same crazy. Show some respect for the dead.  

Second, my anger is about people thinking a person being followed in a creepy scary way is no cause for self defense. When self defense is defined by your fear factor, Trayvon had every right to Stand Your Ground first. He was chased. Running. In the dark. By a creepy stranger who refused to identify himself. Guy was probably trying to kill him for all he knew. Oh wait. The guy did.

When you remove Trayvon's right to stand his ground, you remove that right from women, children, and everyone else out there. You make it possible for a rapist to stalk his next victim (male or female) and then claim self defense when they attack their victim. That's just fucked up. That's some twisted shit right there. A lot of people need Jesus and Dr. Phil, and maybe a restraining device. Tell my kid she can't hit the guy with the creepy white van asking her if she wants free candy trying to grab her "to get her attention," and see if you survive mom's wrath without a limp. All you who think Trayvon had no right to stand his ground, fuck you. Fuck everyone that looks like you. Fuck your momma. And your daddy. And the horse all y'all rode in on. 

Now that my rant is over, the point of this post, the shit that doesn't piss me off. The shit that got a lot of you suckers out there. ha. Gullible.

Let me Recap how the racism went down...

Once upon a time, in a land far far away (Florida), a man reported his son missing. Just like any missing kid scenario, he couldn't find his son, he searched, he went to the police, gave them a description with all the child's information... He was worried. He was scared. Just like any parent of a missing child.

He finds out that his son was shot and killed. It is unclear how long the body was in custody of the police before the parents found out it was Trayvon. Some sources now say it was a next day deal. Others say it was a 3 day deal. I remember the news at the time was that it was days that Trayvon's body sat in the morgue as a John Doe.



Like any other parent in that situation, they had questions and wanted answers. What the hell happened to their son? Why didn't the police do their job? Why didn't the police try to find them? They had his cell phone and no one thought to call the contacts on it? Why is his murderer walking the streets? Why wasn't there an actual investigation? When they couldn't get answers from the police, when they were brushed to the side, they sought out the help of the nation.

They created a petition.


One that went viral on the web. That was what the racism was about. The fact that had that been a white boy, parents would have been found and notified, an investigation would have taken place, Zimmerman would have seen a day in court. As people like I shared and signed that petition, word got out. President Obama even said something about it. I don't think it was until President Obama said something did most people start to hear of this story because I think that's when major networks started covering it.

By then, they were in the process of arresting Zimmerman, investigating, and preparing the court date. By then, the racism was no longer an issue. But the media, they were told there is this story of a boy wrongfully murdered in Florida and it has racism written all over it. That's the story they were promised. That's the story they were going to have come hell or high water. These journalists knew racism was there, and by then what was online telling you about it? Zimmerman's 911 tapes where he makes a racial slur. The media wasn't the only one falling victim to that. Many people jumping on the story's bandwagon that late in the game did as well.

Is there racism in this story? Yes. There are racist people everywhere. They are commenting all over the damned internet. Hate begets hate.

The only people I have ever known to believe there is no racism when it's there is white people. There's a reason for that. It's too easy to be blind to racism when you are the race with the power.

I think a lot of people have good intentions. I think a lot of people really are color blind, so much to a point where they really don't think it SHOULD matter that they trick themselves into thinking, "It didn't matter. People are making this shit up." But you can't go down that road because people are being denied their civil rights based on the color of their skin, daily. If we ignore it, we allow it.

But I will say this... If you are white, and you don't know too many white racist people, that might be because the ones you do know, know you enough not to come at you with any racist bull shit. In that case, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

But is Zimmerman racist? That you can't tell from this story. There are people who say he and his family are. There are people who swear they aren't. You can't believe most people in the Zimmerman Circle. Why? Because I think the problem here is George is a sociopath. People are telling you what George wants them to believe for the most part. There are times I'm sure he made racial comments to appease his audience, and times where he stood up for minorities for that same reason. When he's trying to impress racist people, he's racist. When he's trying to impress people of color, he's a person of color who believes in equality for all. If he was trying to win over the NAACP, he will be the hero to the civil rights movement. Is he racist? He is whatever you prefer him to be.

More on him and the sociopath later...

Why is he not guilty? I'm not saying the police forces of Florida are racist. I don't know that. I do know George thought that. Because they were victim to a sociopath's charm, they dropped the ball on the investigation from the get go. Was George drinking that night? Was he on drugs? What was in his vehicle? We don't know. The police didn't gather that evidence.

Then on top of it, prosecution in Florida is getting to a point where when you look at a lot of the cases as a whole, they just aren't as strong as the options for defense. A lot of that is because many defense attorneys used to be Prosecutors. It's like they all watched Devil's Advocate and learned from Keanu Reeves. Be a prosecutor first, pay attention to juries and how they deliberate, know how to choose your own jury... The defense attorneys, no matter how despicable they may be, they won the hearts the of the jury. They chose the jury that would give them the verdict they were seeking. They knew what the fuck they were doing. They had more reason to win because that's not a case you lose and think you are still going to have a career when you are not employed by the state.

And the fact of the matter is, the investigation was so shitty, the prosecution didn't have much of a case. It was rushed, last second, after they closed it all up.

Because it took making national news to get people to investigate and prosecute, it was hard to find a jury of people who had yet to hear much about it. Had the police and prosecution did their jobs to begin with, well, the early bird catches the worm. They would have had a larger, more educated sample to choose from for a jury. But no, instead, they were stuck with people who avoid the news like the plague. This is a case where the prosecution would have benefited from a jury of peers who do like to watch the news, think about things that don't pertain to them and how that affects them, the profile of someone who would have looked at all the evidence and drawn careful conclusions like they did from their computers. You couldn't find anyone like that by the time they went to pick a jury who hasn't already done that with the stuff the media was providing. You could only find people, like the juror with an almost book deal, who were stupid enough to judge a witness based on her education, a witness who just like them, didn't watch the news and didn't really want to be there.



Why do I think Zimmerman is a sociopath? WHAT IS A SOCIOPATH? 

And to point out... THE FOLLOWING ABOUT ZIMMERMAN IS SPECULATION. NOT FACT. It doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means it's possible it is wrong. There are many facts though in this. The speculation does not make the facts wrong, and the facts do not make the speculation accurate. 

Now sociopath doesn't equate murderer. Sociopath equates a person who... Read the awesome article on sociopaths that i copied and pasted (read more with the link at the bottom). I'm sure you will figure people in your life while reading this. Very possible you know a sociopath. Very possible you are under the charm of one. They are everywhere. Especially in politics. Obama is probably not a sociopath to a point of diagnosis. He is most likely under the influence of one. But we all have a little sociopath in us. 

10 signs for spotting a sociopath

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. They often appear to be sexy or have a strong sexual attraction. Not all sexy people are sociopaths, obviously, but watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson on YouTube.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it! Charles Manson, the sociopathic murderer, is famous for saying, "I've never killed anyone! I don't need to kill anyone! I THINK it! I have it HERE! (Pointing to his temple.) I don't need to live in this physical realm..."

Sociopaths are masters at weaving elaborate fictional explanations to justify their actions. When caught red-handed, they respond with anger and threats, then weave new fabrications to explain away whatever they were caught doing.

A sociopath caught red-handed with a suitcase full of cash he just stole, for example, might declare he had actually rescued the money from being stolen by someone else, and that he was attempting to find its rightful owner. He's the hero, see? And yet, in reality, he will simply pocket the money and keep it. If you question him about the money, he will attack you for questioning his honesty.

Sociopaths are masters are presenting themselves as heroes with high morals and philosophy, yet underneath it they are the true criminal minds in society who steal, undermine, deceive, and often incite emotional chaos among entire communities. They are masters at turning one group of people against another group while proclaiming themselves to be the one true savior. Wherever they go, they create strife, argument and hatred, yet they utterly fail to see their own role in creating it. They are delusional at so many levels that their brains defy logical reasoning.

You cannot reason with a sociopath. Attempting to do so only wastes your time and annoys the sociopath.

Beware of fact-checking the sociopath by asking other people under his or her influence. A sociopath will usually have a small group of cult-like followers who not only believe their fictional tales, but who actually internalize those fictions to the point where they rewrite their own memories to be consistent with them. If a guru-style sociopath talks about his "levitation sessions" over and over again, some of his believers will sooner or later start to form false memories in which they imagine seeing him levitate off the floor. So if you ask those people, "Did you actually ever see this person levitate?" They will enthusiastically say, "Yes!" Because in their own minds, that illusion has become something indistinguishable from a vivid memory.

Much the same thing is true with sociopathic politicians. If a particularly charismatic politician claims he has "created millions of jobs" even though his economic policies have actually destroyed jobs and caused widespread unemployment, his cult-like followers will repeat his lie and publicly proclaim how many jobs that person has created.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz2Z8HCXxpx

Now I have a huge theory about sociopathy and autism which will later be in a book if I live long enough to write it, but I believe they are polar opposites. Sociopaths are interested in social things with autism interested in conceptual things. Their learning style mimics the same behaviors, emphasis is always there, social vs concepts. I also think it's a full spectrum, one that EVERYONE falls on somewhere. Normal is pretty much defined as someone with a balance of sociopathy and autism. The important thing is that I do believe autistic people can learn about the social ways from sociopaths. Observing their behavior like you would a wild animal for biology class will give us a science to the social realm, one in a language autistic people can understand. So with that said...

I think George is definitely a sociopath. A lot of shrinks see it. Not exactly severe, but he is definitely a mild sociopath. 

Using George as my sociopath, here are some hypothetical examples of what some people in George's life probably experience... (THIS is to help you understand sociopaths better, not to describe George's life, like none of this could happen at all this way)... If you worked with George, and you were a threat to his job, you'd probably get fired over some stupid rumor you don't know who started. He would be your best friend, and then turn around and tell your boss lies about you that are half truths based on the things you said to him. And while you suspect him to be the person to do that to you, you'd feel guilty for that because he's been such a good friend. 

It's almost like a sociopath has very different motivations than most people. We want to succeed, but we have a lot of emotional motivation working behind the scenes in the why we do things. Because sociopaths don't usually feel emotions such as guilt, remorse... some so severe they don't feel love... their motivations on a natural instinctive level are different. From what I've experienced with sociopaths, it's domination. If they get hired at a bar, they have to dominate that bar. If they get into a relationship, they have to dominate that relationship and/or that person. It's not about the money, or fame, or status... It's just domination. And don't knock it because you have that motivating factor too. We all do. It's just that many of us have emotions and a conscience that keeps that in check. 

George's girlfriends in the past, this is my guess as to what they experienced in that relationship. When things were going well, George probably made comments like, "You are fat, but I still love you." or "No man is ever going to want you but me." Anything to knock self esteem down putting him in the role of the Prince. He probably did a lot of the things controlling men do in relationships, such as spying, not letting his girlfriends hang out with their friends and family, illogical hatred and distrust toward her friends and family, crazy unfounded accusations, arguments without any provocation, treatment of assumptions like fact (like if you go out with your friends to a bar, you will surely get drunk and cheat on me because you know how you are when you drink)... It's also the profile of domestic violence. As long as he was in control, he probably didn't get violent. But the moment you questioned him, fact check him, confront him, he will respond with anger.

In addition, sex is probably very trivial, like more drunken sex than love making. I found the article about his molestation charges (with a girl 2 years younger than him, so when she was 6 when it all started, he was 8) incredibly interesting because the person accusing him of molesting her said he did it out in the open in front of everyone, shielded by blankets. Like he did it for the control over the person. You can scream, "Help" anytime. There's 50 people here who will help you. But I bet you won't. That's sociopathic behavior. That does not mean he actually did that. I'm just saying it's in line with his crazy. I don't think the woman making the accusations knows his crazy enough to realize it.


Then the break up is when you really see his ugly side. I bet he called them all with, "But I still love you. I want you. Only you. This girl I'm with now, she's nothing. I need you." In that conversation, you let out the info that you can't pay your water bill. Then he turns around and tells your mother, "I saw her gambling yesterday again. She definitely has a gambling problem. I wouldn't give her any money any time soon." Why? Because he wants her to ask him for that money. He will say no. He will wait until 5 minutes before they shut off her water to show up and save the day, and when he does, it will be a public spectacle. He'll tell the water department how she sucks with money and is completely irresponsible. He'll turn around and tell her mother, "I had to pay her water bill because of her gambling problem." If she comes up with a way to pay it without him, he'll get pissed and insult her. "You are so pathetic and irresponsible to have to blah blah blah to pay your water bill...."

It doesn't have to be a gambling problem and water bill. Those are X's and Y's like algebra. Substitute whatever the situation calls for. Sociopaths take things you say or things they notice about you, when they are trying to dominate YOU, and they exaggerate to the people you trust, love, and depend on in order to kill your credibility to kill your circle of trust, to leave you alone in this world. They manipulate the situation so that they can be the hero. In many cases, the woman who can't pay her water bill can't because the sociopath who saves her just robbed her or hustled that money. Like the whole thing was orchestrated to a point of absurdity just so they can be the hero, which in of itself sounds absurd because it is absurd, and that's what sociopaths do, and they hide behind the absurdity of it. "You are the crazy one if you really think I'd go through all that for those reasons." Then you feel crazy because that was pretty crazy to think that. Doesn't mean you were wrong to think that because you were probably spot on. Again, this is when YOU are the target to their domination, which is the most popular stories I hear. People who date the sociopath. They often feel like victims of abuse, even if no physical abuse occurred. 

Why do I think George is a sociopath? It just makes sense. What initially made me realize this was watching him in the courtroom. He had no remorse. My rapist showed more remorse in the courtroom when I testified against him. That was my first huge red flag indicator. Then I started thinking about it. When I removed racism from the equation, that's what made it all make sense.

You may have a hard time following this. I've been studying sociopaths for years. I've read a lot about them, but I know a few. My sister, my mother in law, and two of my best friends are sociopaths. Just like autism, you can read and read and read about it, but you will miss a huge chunk of understanding if you have no experience with it, which is why I tried to provide examples... 

George wants to dominate, be the hero. That's all he wants. He doesn't care what color you are until he can use that to his advantage. So he goes into the neighborhood watch deal. He orchestrated it. He put it together. He put himself in charge. He got whatever he needed to get to make it happen. I'm sure he said what he needed to say regardless if it was true or not. It's possible the "self defense" course was part of that, something he had to do to get something he wanted, so he half assed it and showed up and did the bare minimum required to get what he wanted. It's possible he did learn a lot in self defense and just manipulated it to where he has everyone believing he didn't learn a damn thing. You can't tell. 

He gets his neighborhood watch going. He works with police. Follows them. Decides they are racist. Remember, sociopaths operate on half truths. So, he exaggerates a racist story with exaggerated more stories to support his claim, and now he believed his own lies (that happens a lot with sociopaths), and operated based on that.


When he called the police about Trayvon, the racial slur was no indication to how he felt. It was an indication to what he perceived the people on the other end of the phone, the police who would later get to hear the conversation, felt. Basically, he thinks the police are racist, so he made a racist comment to win them over. To be considered one of them. That kind of bond is an important component to a sociopath's manipulation. He probably also targeted a black person on purpose for those same reasons, to exploit the weakness in the system to his advantage. He didn't just target a black person. He targeted a black person who matches the profile of a "thug." This again was for the advantage he needed with the police. 

That doesn't mean the police out there are racist. Most likely, they are like anyone else in America's culture. They don't want to do more work than they have to. That is something Zimmerman knew about them before Trayvon as well. Police also profile, and most statistics are geared to making minorities look bad for whatever reason (probably because society keeps the minorities in low income environments where the type of crime police enforce is most rampant, and I say type of crime the police enforce because most crime is actually in your wealthy sections of town. They just don't get caught), so there is definitely a level of racism going on in all law enforcement agencies. They profile people. That's part of the job. The argument isn't whether they do that or not. The argument is if profiling serves a purpose worth stereotyping at the risk of racial discrimination.

There are racist cops everywhere just like there are racist bankers, and racist Walmart check out people, and racist hookers... That doesn't mean the racist cops speak for an entire department let alone the whole force.

Now I can't tell you if conspiracy is relevant or not. It's a probability. It's probable he had every intention on killing someone at some point and all his "watching and observing," was just him waiting for the opportunity that felt right to strike. It might be the motivating factor behind creating the Neighborhood Watch team in the first place. It might not have been. The whole ordeal might of actually just accidentally led to something that got out of control and Zimmerman did his best to manipulate himself out of it. 

But I assure you he knew how Trayvon would react. He knew Trayvon was going to run when he was spotted, and he knew once confronted, Trayvon would fight before flight. Most of this is common sense anyway when dealing with people, but Zimmerman profiled that child like he did the police. You can't tell me he was smart enough to think the kid was suspicious yet dumb enough to think the kid wasn't going to try to kick his ass. Knowing he himself cannot fight, supposedly, why all the sudden the courage of Mel Gibson's Patriot movie over some break-ins, people getting robbed of their shit made in China that they overcharged their insurance company to replace? If you remove Zimmerman's sociopathic bull shit from it and follow his story fact by fact, it is absurd. It makes no sense. That is why I think Zimmerman is definitely a sociopath. The whole fucking thing is absurd. 

And add the fact that he tried to profit from donations made to him on behalf of him shooting an unarmed child... who the fuck does that? A sociopath. Seriously... I just a shot a kid. I had a gun. He didn't. I actually chased him for blocks before I did. It was self defense. People are accusing me of murder. Please donate whatever you can to help pay my attorney fees I can't afford because my RICH father. Thank you... AND PEOPLE DONATED TO IT. 

He was definitely full of excuses. He never does anything wrong.

Sociopath doesn't mean someone has a thirst for murder. They want to dominate, but they want to do it socially, not physically. For the most part, if one wants to kill, a sociopath would rather talk you into suicide. But there are people who have a thirst for violence and death. Some are sociopaths. Some have autism. Some are some other diagnosis they did or didn't get diagnosed, but you'd have to be pretty special to not qualify for any psychological diagnosis in this day and age, so special that there's something wrong with you. Some own guns, some don't. Some are black. Some are white. Some have blond hair, some have huge nose hairs. Some are ugly, some are sexy. One Fish Two Fish Three Fish Four. The whole thirst to murder, whether it exists or not in Zimmerman's case, has nothing to do with sociopathy. It's a whole other thing on its own. 

Edited to update... This was an article soon after the death of Trayvon Martin. After Zimmerman shot the child, he wanted black people to apologize to him. "The real kicker came when Zimmerman accused African-Americans of rushing to judgement and asked everyone who he claims rushed to judgement to apologize to him. Zimmerman said, “I can’t guess to what their motives are. I would just ask for an apology. I mean if I did something that was wrong. I would apologize.”
Overplaying the role of the victim, like a true sociopath... Never in the wrong like a true sociopath.... Shifting blame on others like a true sociopath... Fueling the racial nature of the media like a true sociopath... Dividing people like a true sociopath...


Edited to update: Check out this video... Yes I think Zimmerman baited Trayvon, lied about some of the details, and was a true sociopath about it...


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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: Zimmerman. Racism. Sociopathy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Zimmerman. Racism. Sociopathy.

Fuck Zimmerman. He might of gotten off this time, but he won't next time. At least he had his day in court. That was something nobody thought was going to happen back when this all began. And fuck all y'all who think Trayvon had no right to self defense because I've been chased by creepy dudes with unknown intentions. That's a helluva lot more fucking scarier than losing a fist fight. At least a fist fight, you don't have to worry about getting kidnapped, raped, and eaten alive type of shit that goes in your mind when you are being followed by a creepy rat bastard. ~My initial response to the Not Guilty Verdict
Zimmerman's verdict of Not Guilty has everyone on the interwebs talking. Many are pissed off. I'm one. Not for the same reasons most are...  I also think a lot of people came late in the game and really don't quite understand the story. 

First off, all the people talking smack about Trayvon need to shut up. I don't know how those people sleep at night. You are a fucked up human being if you enjoy making fun of a dead kid. No wonder people like that like Zimmerman. They suffer from the same crazy. Show some respect for the dead.  

Second, my anger is about people thinking a person being followed in a creepy scary way is no cause for self defense. When self defense is defined by your fear factor, Trayvon had every right to Stand Your Ground first. He was chased. Running. In the dark. By a creepy stranger who refused to identify himself. Guy was probably trying to kill him for all he knew. Oh wait. The guy did.

When you remove Trayvon's right to stand his ground, you remove that right from women, children, and everyone else out there. You make it possible for a rapist to stalk his next victim (male or female) and then claim self defense when they attack their victim. That's just fucked up. That's some twisted shit right there. A lot of people need Jesus and Dr. Phil, and maybe a restraining device. Tell my kid she can't hit the guy with the creepy white van asking her if she wants free candy trying to grab her "to get her attention," and see if you survive mom's wrath without a limp. All you who think Trayvon had no right to stand his ground, fuck you. Fuck everyone that looks like you. Fuck your momma. And your daddy. And the horse all y'all rode in on. 

Now that my rant is over, the point of this post, the shit that doesn't piss me off. The shit that got a lot of you suckers out there. ha. Gullible.

Let me Recap how the racism went down...

Once upon a time, in a land far far away (Florida), a man reported his son missing. Just like any missing kid scenario, he couldn't find his son, he searched, he went to the police, gave them a description with all the child's information... He was worried. He was scared. Just like any parent of a missing child.

He finds out that his son was shot and killed. It is unclear how long the body was in custody of the police before the parents found out it was Trayvon. Some sources now say it was a next day deal. Others say it was a 3 day deal. I remember the news at the time was that it was days that Trayvon's body sat in the morgue as a John Doe.



Like any other parent in that situation, they had questions and wanted answers. What the hell happened to their son? Why didn't the police do their job? Why didn't the police try to find them? They had his cell phone and no one thought to call the contacts on it? Why is his murderer walking the streets? Why wasn't there an actual investigation? When they couldn't get answers from the police, when they were brushed to the side, they sought out the help of the nation.

They created a petition.


One that went viral on the web. That was what the racism was about. The fact that had that been a white boy, parents would have been found and notified, an investigation would have taken place, Zimmerman would have seen a day in court. As people like I shared and signed that petition, word got out. President Obama even said something about it. I don't think it was until President Obama said something did most people start to hear of this story because I think that's when major networks started covering it.

By then, they were in the process of arresting Zimmerman, investigating, and preparing the court date. By then, the racism was no longer an issue. But the media, they were told there is this story of a boy wrongfully murdered in Florida and it has racism written all over it. That's the story they were promised. That's the story they were going to have come hell or high water. These journalists knew racism was there, and by then what was online telling you about it? Zimmerman's 911 tapes where he makes a racial slur. The media wasn't the only one falling victim to that. Many people jumping on the story's bandwagon that late in the game did as well.

Is there racism in this story? Yes. There are racist people everywhere. They are commenting all over the damned internet. Hate begets hate.

The only people I have ever known to believe there is no racism when it's there is white people. There's a reason for that. It's too easy to be blind to racism when you are the race with the power.

I think a lot of people have good intentions. I think a lot of people really are color blind, so much to a point where they really don't think it SHOULD matter that they trick themselves into thinking, "It didn't matter. People are making this shit up." But you can't go down that road because people are being denied their civil rights based on the color of their skin, daily. If we ignore it, we allow it.

But I will say this... If you are white, and you don't know too many white racist people, that might be because the ones you do know, know you enough not to come at you with any racist bull shit. In that case, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

But is Zimmerman racist? That you can't tell from this story. There are people who say he and his family are. There are people who swear they aren't. You can't believe most people in the Zimmerman Circle. Why? Because I think the problem here is George is a sociopath. People are telling you what George wants them to believe for the most part. There are times I'm sure he made racial comments to appease his audience, and times where he stood up for minorities for that same reason. When he's trying to impress racist people, he's racist. When he's trying to impress people of color, he's a person of color who believes in equality for all. If he was trying to win over the NAACP, he will be the hero to the civil rights movement. Is he racist? He is whatever you prefer him to be.

More on him and the sociopath later...

Why is he not guilty? I'm not saying the police forces of Florida are racist. I don't know that. I do know George thought that. Because they were victim to a sociopath's charm, they dropped the ball on the investigation from the get go. Was George drinking that night? Was he on drugs? What was in his vehicle? We don't know. The police didn't gather that evidence.

Then on top of it, prosecution in Florida is getting to a point where when you look at a lot of the cases as a whole, they just aren't as strong as the options for defense. A lot of that is because many defense attorneys used to be Prosecutors. It's like they all watched Devil's Advocate and learned from Keanu Reeves. Be a prosecutor first, pay attention to juries and how they deliberate, know how to choose your own jury... The defense attorneys, no matter how despicable they may be, they won the hearts the of the jury. They chose the jury that would give them the verdict they were seeking. They knew what the fuck they were doing. They had more reason to win because that's not a case you lose and think you are still going to have a career when you are not employed by the state.

And the fact of the matter is, the investigation was so shitty, the prosecution didn't have much of a case. It was rushed, last second, after they closed it all up.

Because it took making national news to get people to investigate and prosecute, it was hard to find a jury of people who had yet to hear much about it. Had the police and prosecution did their jobs to begin with, well, the early bird catches the worm. They would have had a larger, more educated sample to choose from for a jury. But no, instead, they were stuck with people who avoid the news like the plague. This is a case where the prosecution would have benefited from a jury of peers who do like to watch the news, think about things that don't pertain to them and how that affects them, the profile of someone who would have looked at all the evidence and drawn careful conclusions like they did from their computers. You couldn't find anyone like that by the time they went to pick a jury who hasn't already done that with the stuff the media was providing. You could only find people, like the juror with an almost book deal, who were stupid enough to judge a witness based on her education, a witness who just like them, didn't watch the news and didn't really want to be there.



Why do I think Zimmerman is a sociopath? WHAT IS A SOCIOPATH? 

And to point out... THE FOLLOWING ABOUT ZIMMERMAN IS SPECULATION. NOT FACT. It doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means it's possible it is wrong. There are many facts though in this. The speculation does not make the facts wrong, and the facts do not make the speculation accurate. 

Now sociopath doesn't equate murderer. Sociopath equates a person who... Read the awesome article on sociopaths that i copied and pasted (read more with the link at the bottom). I'm sure you will figure people in your life while reading this. Very possible you know a sociopath. Very possible you are under the charm of one. They are everywhere. Especially in politics. Obama is probably not a sociopath to a point of diagnosis. He is most likely under the influence of one. But we all have a little sociopath in us. 

10 signs for spotting a sociopath

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. They often appear to be sexy or have a strong sexual attraction. Not all sexy people are sociopaths, obviously, but watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson on YouTube.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it! Charles Manson, the sociopathic murderer, is famous for saying, "I've never killed anyone! I don't need to kill anyone! I THINK it! I have it HERE! (Pointing to his temple.) I don't need to live in this physical realm..."

Sociopaths are masters at weaving elaborate fictional explanations to justify their actions. When caught red-handed, they respond with anger and threats, then weave new fabrications to explain away whatever they were caught doing.

A sociopath caught red-handed with a suitcase full of cash he just stole, for example, might declare he had actually rescued the money from being stolen by someone else, and that he was attempting to find its rightful owner. He's the hero, see? And yet, in reality, he will simply pocket the money and keep it. If you question him about the money, he will attack you for questioning his honesty.

Sociopaths are masters are presenting themselves as heroes with high morals and philosophy, yet underneath it they are the true criminal minds in society who steal, undermine, deceive, and often incite emotional chaos among entire communities. They are masters at turning one group of people against another group while proclaiming themselves to be the one true savior. Wherever they go, they create strife, argument and hatred, yet they utterly fail to see their own role in creating it. They are delusional at so many levels that their brains defy logical reasoning.

You cannot reason with a sociopath. Attempting to do so only wastes your time and annoys the sociopath.

Beware of fact-checking the sociopath by asking other people under his or her influence. A sociopath will usually have a small group of cult-like followers who not only believe their fictional tales, but who actually internalize those fictions to the point where they rewrite their own memories to be consistent with them. If a guru-style sociopath talks about his "levitation sessions" over and over again, some of his believers will sooner or later start to form false memories in which they imagine seeing him levitate off the floor. So if you ask those people, "Did you actually ever see this person levitate?" They will enthusiastically say, "Yes!" Because in their own minds, that illusion has become something indistinguishable from a vivid memory.

Much the same thing is true with sociopathic politicians. If a particularly charismatic politician claims he has "created millions of jobs" even though his economic policies have actually destroyed jobs and caused widespread unemployment, his cult-like followers will repeat his lie and publicly proclaim how many jobs that person has created.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz2Z8HCXxpx

Now I have a huge theory about sociopathy and autism which will later be in a book if I live long enough to write it, but I believe they are polar opposites. Sociopaths are interested in social things with autism interested in conceptual things. Their learning style mimics the same behaviors, emphasis is always there, social vs concepts. I also think it's a full spectrum, one that EVERYONE falls on somewhere. Normal is pretty much defined as someone with a balance of sociopathy and autism. The important thing is that I do believe autistic people can learn about the social ways from sociopaths. Observing their behavior like you would a wild animal for biology class will give us a science to the social realm, one in a language autistic people can understand. So with that said...

I think George is definitely a sociopath. A lot of shrinks see it. Not exactly severe, but he is definitely a mild sociopath. 

Using George as my sociopath, here are some hypothetical examples of what some people in George's life probably experience... (THIS is to help you understand sociopaths better, not to describe George's life, like none of this could happen at all this way)... If you worked with George, and you were a threat to his job, you'd probably get fired over some stupid rumor you don't know who started. He would be your best friend, and then turn around and tell your boss lies about you that are half truths based on the things you said to him. And while you suspect him to be the person to do that to you, you'd feel guilty for that because he's been such a good friend. 

It's almost like a sociopath has very different motivations than most people. We want to succeed, but we have a lot of emotional motivation working behind the scenes in the why we do things. Because sociopaths don't usually feel emotions such as guilt, remorse... some so severe they don't feel love... their motivations on a natural instinctive level are different. From what I've experienced with sociopaths, it's domination. If they get hired at a bar, they have to dominate that bar. If they get into a relationship, they have to dominate that relationship and/or that person. It's not about the money, or fame, or status... It's just domination. And don't knock it because you have that motivating factor too. We all do. It's just that many of us have emotions and a conscience that keeps that in check. 

George's girlfriends in the past, this is my guess as to what they experienced in that relationship. When things were going well, George probably made comments like, "You are fat, but I still love you." or "No man is ever going to want you but me." Anything to knock self esteem down putting him in the role of the Prince. He probably did a lot of the things controlling men do in relationships, such as spying, not letting his girlfriends hang out with their friends and family, illogical hatred and distrust toward her friends and family, crazy unfounded accusations, arguments without any provocation, treatment of assumptions like fact (like if you go out with your friends to a bar, you will surely get drunk and cheat on me because you know how you are when you drink)... It's also the profile of domestic violence. As long as he was in control, he probably didn't get violent. But the moment you questioned him, fact check him, confront him, he will respond with anger.

In addition, sex is probably very trivial, like more drunken sex than love making. I found the article about his molestation charges (with a girl 2 years younger than him, so when she was 6 when it all started, he was 8) incredibly interesting because the person accusing him of molesting her said he did it out in the open in front of everyone, shielded by blankets. Like he did it for the control over the person. You can scream, "Help" anytime. There's 50 people here who will help you. But I bet you won't. That's sociopathic behavior. That does not mean he actually did that. I'm just saying it's in line with his crazy. I don't think the woman making the accusations knows his crazy enough to realize it.


Then the break up is when you really see his ugly side. I bet he called them all with, "But I still love you. I want you. Only you. This girl I'm with now, she's nothing. I need you." In that conversation, you let out the info that you can't pay your water bill. Then he turns around and tells your mother, "I saw her gambling yesterday again. She definitely has a gambling problem. I wouldn't give her any money any time soon." Why? Because he wants her to ask him for that money. He will say no. He will wait until 5 minutes before they shut off her water to show up and save the day, and when he does, it will be a public spectacle. He'll tell the water department how she sucks with money and is completely irresponsible. He'll turn around and tell her mother, "I had to pay her water bill because of her gambling problem." If she comes up with a way to pay it without him, he'll get pissed and insult her. "You are so pathetic and irresponsible to have to blah blah blah to pay your water bill...."

It doesn't have to be a gambling problem and water bill. Those are X's and Y's like algebra. Substitute whatever the situation calls for. Sociopaths take things you say or things they notice about you, when they are trying to dominate YOU, and they exaggerate to the people you trust, love, and depend on in order to kill your credibility to kill your circle of trust, to leave you alone in this world. They manipulate the situation so that they can be the hero. In many cases, the woman who can't pay her water bill can't because the sociopath who saves her just robbed her or hustled that money. Like the whole thing was orchestrated to a point of absurdity just so they can be the hero, which in of itself sounds absurd because it is absurd, and that's what sociopaths do, and they hide behind the absurdity of it. "You are the crazy one if you really think I'd go through all that for those reasons." Then you feel crazy because that was pretty crazy to think that. Doesn't mean you were wrong to think that because you were probably spot on. Again, this is when YOU are the target to their domination, which is the most popular stories I hear. People who date the sociopath. They often feel like victims of abuse, even if no physical abuse occurred. 

Why do I think George is a sociopath? It just makes sense. What initially made me realize this was watching him in the courtroom. He had no remorse. My rapist showed more remorse in the courtroom when I testified against him. That was my first huge red flag indicator. Then I started thinking about it. When I removed racism from the equation, that's what made it all make sense.

You may have a hard time following this. I've been studying sociopaths for years. I've read a lot about them, but I know a few. My sister, my mother in law, and two of my best friends are sociopaths. Just like autism, you can read and read and read about it, but you will miss a huge chunk of understanding if you have no experience with it, which is why I tried to provide examples... 

George wants to dominate, be the hero. That's all he wants. He doesn't care what color you are until he can use that to his advantage. So he goes into the neighborhood watch deal. He orchestrated it. He put it together. He put himself in charge. He got whatever he needed to get to make it happen. I'm sure he said what he needed to say regardless if it was true or not. It's possible the "self defense" course was part of that, something he had to do to get something he wanted, so he half assed it and showed up and did the bare minimum required to get what he wanted. It's possible he did learn a lot in self defense and just manipulated it to where he has everyone believing he didn't learn a damn thing. You can't tell. 

He gets his neighborhood watch going. He works with police. Follows them. Decides they are racist. Remember, sociopaths operate on half truths. So, he exaggerates a racist story with exaggerated more stories to support his claim, and now he believed his own lies (that happens a lot with sociopaths), and operated based on that.


When he called the police about Trayvon, the racial slur was no indication to how he felt. It was an indication to what he perceived the people on the other end of the phone, the police who would later get to hear the conversation, felt. Basically, he thinks the police are racist, so he made a racist comment to win them over. To be considered one of them. That kind of bond is an important component to a sociopath's manipulation. He probably also targeted a black person on purpose for those same reasons, to exploit the weakness in the system to his advantage. He didn't just target a black person. He targeted a black person who matches the profile of a "thug." This again was for the advantage he needed with the police. 

That doesn't mean the police out there are racist. Most likely, they are like anyone else in America's culture. They don't want to do more work than they have to. That is something Zimmerman knew about them before Trayvon as well. Police also profile, and most statistics are geared to making minorities look bad for whatever reason (probably because society keeps the minorities in low income environments where the type of crime police enforce is most rampant, and I say type of crime the police enforce because most crime is actually in your wealthy sections of town. They just don't get caught), so there is definitely a level of racism going on in all law enforcement agencies. They profile people. That's part of the job. The argument isn't whether they do that or not. The argument is if profiling serves a purpose worth stereotyping at the risk of racial discrimination.

There are racist cops everywhere just like there are racist bankers, and racist Walmart check out people, and racist hookers... That doesn't mean the racist cops speak for an entire department let alone the whole force.

Now I can't tell you if conspiracy is relevant or not. It's a probability. It's probable he had every intention on killing someone at some point and all his "watching and observing," was just him waiting for the opportunity that felt right to strike. It might be the motivating factor behind creating the Neighborhood Watch team in the first place. It might not have been. The whole ordeal might of actually just accidentally led to something that got out of control and Zimmerman did his best to manipulate himself out of it. 

But I assure you he knew how Trayvon would react. He knew Trayvon was going to run when he was spotted, and he knew once confronted, Trayvon would fight before flight. Most of this is common sense anyway when dealing with people, but Zimmerman profiled that child like he did the police. You can't tell me he was smart enough to think the kid was suspicious yet dumb enough to think the kid wasn't going to try to kick his ass. Knowing he himself cannot fight, supposedly, why all the sudden the courage of Mel Gibson's Patriot movie over some break-ins, people getting robbed of their shit made in China that they overcharged their insurance company to replace? If you remove Zimmerman's sociopathic bull shit from it and follow his story fact by fact, it is absurd. It makes no sense. That is why I think Zimmerman is definitely a sociopath. The whole fucking thing is absurd. 

And add the fact that he tried to profit from donations made to him on behalf of him shooting an unarmed child... who the fuck does that? A sociopath. Seriously... I just a shot a kid. I had a gun. He didn't. I actually chased him for blocks before I did. It was self defense. People are accusing me of murder. Please donate whatever you can to help pay my attorney fees I can't afford because my RICH father. Thank you... AND PEOPLE DONATED TO IT. 

He was definitely full of excuses. He never does anything wrong.

Sociopath doesn't mean someone has a thirst for murder. They want to dominate, but they want to do it socially, not physically. For the most part, if one wants to kill, a sociopath would rather talk you into suicide. But there are people who have a thirst for violence and death. Some are sociopaths. Some have autism. Some are some other diagnosis they did or didn't get diagnosed, but you'd have to be pretty special to not qualify for any psychological diagnosis in this day and age, so special that there's something wrong with you. Some own guns, some don't. Some are black. Some are white. Some have blond hair, some have huge nose hairs. Some are ugly, some are sexy. One Fish Two Fish Three Fish Four. The whole thirst to murder, whether it exists or not in Zimmerman's case, has nothing to do with sociopathy. It's a whole other thing on its own. 

Edited to update... This was an article soon after the death of Trayvon Martin. After Zimmerman shot the child, he wanted black people to apologize to him. "The real kicker came when Zimmerman accused African-Americans of rushing to judgement and asked everyone who he claims rushed to judgement to apologize to him. Zimmerman said, “I can’t guess to what their motives are. I would just ask for an apology. I mean if I did something that was wrong. I would apologize.”
Overplaying the role of the victim, like a true sociopath... Never in the wrong like a true sociopath.... Shifting blame on others like a true sociopath... Fueling the racial nature of the media like a true sociopath... Dividing people like a true sociopath...


Edited to update: Check out this video... Yes I think Zimmerman baited Trayvon, lied about some of the details, and was a true sociopath about it...


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