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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: Duck Dynasty Guy: What's Going On?

Duck Dynasty Guy: What's Going On?

I already posted about Phil Robertson, and I feel the need to post a bitchier rant expressive post. First off, I want to point out I do care about homosexuals. I don't think it's a sin, and I stand very alone on that in the Christian community. I think sexual immorality can affect both homosexuals and straight people, so your soul is between you and God like every other soul out there. I do not like to see ANYONE get discriminated against. If you got suspended from your job for saying homosexuality is not a sin and I heard about it, it would be a blog post too. If you are an atheist who got suspended for saying you don't believe in God, I would also be writing a blog post on your behalf as well.

I also know what it's like to be discriminated against based on the color of my skin (I'm a gringa), and based on the men I date (I used to fuck black people, and it's not true what they say about black men, sometimes it is... I also fucked white people, Hispanics, a guy from France who did NOT wear deodorant... I also took pleasure in the sinful enjoyment of receiving a backrub from a German Guy and a guy from Israel at the same time... my vagina did not discriminate. I was also obviously sexually immoral, more so than any of my homosexual friends i know. Either way, I know the difference between actual discrimination and plain old hate. In fact, I'm usually more hated for being a Christian than I am for being a slut, but I have never been discriminated against for being either.

I've read numerous blogs from the Christian Community reminding everyone to be loving and nice. To be tolerant. I've not read any from the LGBT community like that. Sorry but I haven't. If you know of one, link it in the comments. Please restore my faith in humanity...

Meanwhile, I bitched about something on my page and my Aussie friends are like, "What are you talking about?" So this is also a post to her. To anyone outside of the US, this sums it up what's going down, and what's really going down for the common folk. I have no idea what the wealthy people in this story are going to do about it.

Dear Liberals, in the name of everything Tofu, please consider these points before arguing...

1. Please keep in mind that pushing people away only increases the gap. The more you mock and criticize people for their religious beliefs, the bigger that gap is between the communities. The more you do, the more you show your real intention, that you care more about your hatred toward the person you are talking to than you do about the people you are defending.

2. Please keep in mind condemning people for their religious beliefs is the same thing as religious people condemning you for yours. If you don't want to be judged for being who you are, don't judge someone for being who they are. Choice or no choice. It's called respect. If you want it, you have to give it. You don't have to agree with everything a person says, but you should respect who they are, Christian or LGBT (or both or neither).

3. Please google the definitions of words before you use them.

4. Please keep the topic about the topic and not about the person you are talking to. Phil's words are different than Phil himself. Keep it about the words, not the character.

5. Remove your feelings and personal views from the situation long enough to see if your argument is logically sound. If it's not, don't use it. If you can't come up with a logical argument and you fear you might be wrong, instead, talk about your feelings. Do not cloak your feelings as logic. It pisses people off. Plus, you'll win the internet because you can't argue feelings and emotions like you can logic.

6. Hate begets hate. If you really care about gay people, you wouldn't do anything to fuel someone's hatred towards them, especially if you are not gay.

7. Don't stereotype the person you are talking to and create an argument that doesn't exist. Don't put words in their mouth. Do not assume anything about them. The argument you had earlier today is not the same argument you are having now. Lumping everyone into a category is not helping. You increase the hatred and division between our country when you do that.

To my Australian Friend:
Some background on the story and my response

The Phil story is all over the webs. I don't know if you are familiar with it or not, or how familiar you are.

Phil is a famous redneck on the Duck Dynasty "reality" show, a show based on reality but still very much scripted. It airs on A&E. Phil's character reminds me of that drunken Vietnam Vet sitting at the bar all day repeating incoherent things that if you listen closely and figure out like a poem, makes actual sense and is actually deep and profound from its simplicity.

Phil answered "What do you think is sin?" in an interview, and the country hates him for his answer. Homosexuality is a sin. Bestiality is a sin. Orgies and multiple partners is a sin. In context, sexual immorality is what he says is a sin. Out of context, homosexuality is bestiality.

He followed it with a message about loving people. Of course, instead of looking at the entire message in context, people are like, "He's such a hypocrite to think homosexuality is a sin and then be like but I love you."

Now mind you I've had a priest tell me I was sinning about something I disagreed with, and I was not insulted nor did I think the Priest hated me because of the way he treated me. ON the other hand, I've had an asshole tell me it's a sin to go to college, and based on how he treats me, he was saying that with hate. I really thought a story like that would go without being said, and probably would for my aussie friends, but after some of the conversations I have had on this subject, I felt the need to add the story.

He was also suspended from his TV show for it. I'm not sure what sparked it. I hear the NAACP wrote a nasty letter about it. But the articles focus the reasoning on the homosexuality statement than anything else, and I think that's because A&E focused on that demographic because that's the demographic they are trying to appeal to. The black demographic (as Phil did also speak of his experience hoeing cotton with black people before the civil rights movement) isn't a priority to them, you can tell by what they air. Plus, the LGBT community is trending, so of course the television stations are going to take notice and make some changes to cater to that demographic. And A&E gets to do that without judgment because the true privileged in this country are the corporations.

One thing I want to point out to both sides, A&E is not the savior. They are not supporting the LGBT community. They are exploiting you in the same way they used the Duck Dynasty show to exploit Christians. They don't give a shit about us people beyond a demographic. They want money. That is the purpose of a corporation, to make money, not save people.

Because the question and answer is about religion, I think that infringes upon some sort of equal opportunity law. I just don't know if it extends to contracts, and I'm sure if it does, it's a case by case situation. This is the law I'm referring to.


Meanwhile, sheeple of the US are split as usual. Conservatives are like, "He has freedom of speech." Liberals are like, "He wasn't protesting." Conservatives are like, "But the Bible does say those things," and LIberals are like, "That's what's wrong with the world." And Liberals are like, "He hates homosexuals," and Conservatives are like, "You are taking him out of context."

So then I'm like, in VARIOUS places on Facebook where the readership is mainly liberal or atheists, "It's not about Freedom of Speech. It's about Equal Opportunity. Ironically, the same law that protects homosexuals also protects the religious nut jobs."  So of course most people respond with an argument about how it's not about freedom of speech. Insert blank stare. There's a lot of white Americans out there where English is obviously not their first language.

Other responses/arguments I've received... Remarkably. Brace yourself... 

My responses:

Do I blame public education or the hormones in the meat?
I feel like I'm in a bad dream, that's the last time I fall asleep to the movie Idiocracy

Now mind you, in my experience, my stereotype based on my experience, I expect an irrational argument from the fanatics on the conservative side. I never saw that side of the liberal side until this. It pissed me off. The smarter bunch were awesome. Does the law extend to contracts? There we go. Let's discuss it. But the ones who used their emotions to govern their argument had a much more insulting argument. In the name of saving the gay people who did not need saved from Phil Robertson, they were quick to pick and choose who deserves civil rights. I'm sorry, I was under the impression that all men were created equal, and that includes black people, homosexuals, and the privileged whites.

Then the other issue is that many of them totally disregard the history of the word sodomy. It's definition includes both bestiality and homosexuality. We have sodomy laws in many states that have yet to be removed. They just are not really enforced. We just removed it from the military law. When we did, for the whole accepting gays in the military, most conservative headlines would suggest the military was allowing bestiality like it's the same thing, it's because it was the same law that governed both cases. When talking to a lot of people, not just one or two, I mean like 50 people plus reading the articles on the web, they sound like Phil Robertson was the first guy to ever put that in the same context and he deserves everything he gets for being such an asshole for it. Again he doesn't deserve any civil rights for it either.

I just don't understand how people are so hate filled. BOTH sides preach about love while spreading hate. BOTH sides try to shut each other up. The reason being? It's people. That's typical people for you. It is human nature to be a hypocrite, to preach and not practice what you preach, to shut up and insult anyone who disagrees with you, to hate anything you don't understand, and then act like you are exempt from that side of human nature. We have an evil within us. Don't embrace it.

And please note: Phil is not the first person to put the two together. It's historical. The world has done it for more years than it has not.
Of course anyone can write the internet, so all those sources are fucked up false I'm sure, and if you feel that way, go to the fucking library and look it up bitch. Or better yet, read the Bible. It's in there too. That book definitely existed before Phil did.

EDITED TO ADD... This article shows more of the interview in context :)

PS. Even though Google is available to anyone to use, I feel like because I'm one of the few who uses it, I GOT THE POWER.

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Dribbles and Grits to Crumpets and Bollocks: Duck Dynasty Guy: What's Going On?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Duck Dynasty Guy: What's Going On?

I already posted about Phil Robertson, and I feel the need to post a bitchier rant expressive post. First off, I want to point out I do care about homosexuals. I don't think it's a sin, and I stand very alone on that in the Christian community. I think sexual immorality can affect both homosexuals and straight people, so your soul is between you and God like every other soul out there. I do not like to see ANYONE get discriminated against. If you got suspended from your job for saying homosexuality is not a sin and I heard about it, it would be a blog post too. If you are an atheist who got suspended for saying you don't believe in God, I would also be writing a blog post on your behalf as well.

I also know what it's like to be discriminated against based on the color of my skin (I'm a gringa), and based on the men I date (I used to fuck black people, and it's not true what they say about black men, sometimes it is... I also fucked white people, Hispanics, a guy from France who did NOT wear deodorant... I also took pleasure in the sinful enjoyment of receiving a backrub from a German Guy and a guy from Israel at the same time... my vagina did not discriminate. I was also obviously sexually immoral, more so than any of my homosexual friends i know. Either way, I know the difference between actual discrimination and plain old hate. In fact, I'm usually more hated for being a Christian than I am for being a slut, but I have never been discriminated against for being either.

I've read numerous blogs from the Christian Community reminding everyone to be loving and nice. To be tolerant. I've not read any from the LGBT community like that. Sorry but I haven't. If you know of one, link it in the comments. Please restore my faith in humanity...

Meanwhile, I bitched about something on my page and my Aussie friends are like, "What are you talking about?" So this is also a post to her. To anyone outside of the US, this sums it up what's going down, and what's really going down for the common folk. I have no idea what the wealthy people in this story are going to do about it.

Dear Liberals, in the name of everything Tofu, please consider these points before arguing...

1. Please keep in mind that pushing people away only increases the gap. The more you mock and criticize people for their religious beliefs, the bigger that gap is between the communities. The more you do, the more you show your real intention, that you care more about your hatred toward the person you are talking to than you do about the people you are defending.

2. Please keep in mind condemning people for their religious beliefs is the same thing as religious people condemning you for yours. If you don't want to be judged for being who you are, don't judge someone for being who they are. Choice or no choice. It's called respect. If you want it, you have to give it. You don't have to agree with everything a person says, but you should respect who they are, Christian or LGBT (or both or neither).

3. Please google the definitions of words before you use them.

4. Please keep the topic about the topic and not about the person you are talking to. Phil's words are different than Phil himself. Keep it about the words, not the character.

5. Remove your feelings and personal views from the situation long enough to see if your argument is logically sound. If it's not, don't use it. If you can't come up with a logical argument and you fear you might be wrong, instead, talk about your feelings. Do not cloak your feelings as logic. It pisses people off. Plus, you'll win the internet because you can't argue feelings and emotions like you can logic.

6. Hate begets hate. If you really care about gay people, you wouldn't do anything to fuel someone's hatred towards them, especially if you are not gay.

7. Don't stereotype the person you are talking to and create an argument that doesn't exist. Don't put words in their mouth. Do not assume anything about them. The argument you had earlier today is not the same argument you are having now. Lumping everyone into a category is not helping. You increase the hatred and division between our country when you do that.

To my Australian Friend:
Some background on the story and my response

The Phil story is all over the webs. I don't know if you are familiar with it or not, or how familiar you are.

Phil is a famous redneck on the Duck Dynasty "reality" show, a show based on reality but still very much scripted. It airs on A&E. Phil's character reminds me of that drunken Vietnam Vet sitting at the bar all day repeating incoherent things that if you listen closely and figure out like a poem, makes actual sense and is actually deep and profound from its simplicity.

Phil answered "What do you think is sin?" in an interview, and the country hates him for his answer. Homosexuality is a sin. Bestiality is a sin. Orgies and multiple partners is a sin. In context, sexual immorality is what he says is a sin. Out of context, homosexuality is bestiality.

He followed it with a message about loving people. Of course, instead of looking at the entire message in context, people are like, "He's such a hypocrite to think homosexuality is a sin and then be like but I love you."

Now mind you I've had a priest tell me I was sinning about something I disagreed with, and I was not insulted nor did I think the Priest hated me because of the way he treated me. ON the other hand, I've had an asshole tell me it's a sin to go to college, and based on how he treats me, he was saying that with hate. I really thought a story like that would go without being said, and probably would for my aussie friends, but after some of the conversations I have had on this subject, I felt the need to add the story.

He was also suspended from his TV show for it. I'm not sure what sparked it. I hear the NAACP wrote a nasty letter about it. But the articles focus the reasoning on the homosexuality statement than anything else, and I think that's because A&E focused on that demographic because that's the demographic they are trying to appeal to. The black demographic (as Phil did also speak of his experience hoeing cotton with black people before the civil rights movement) isn't a priority to them, you can tell by what they air. Plus, the LGBT community is trending, so of course the television stations are going to take notice and make some changes to cater to that demographic. And A&E gets to do that without judgment because the true privileged in this country are the corporations.

One thing I want to point out to both sides, A&E is not the savior. They are not supporting the LGBT community. They are exploiting you in the same way they used the Duck Dynasty show to exploit Christians. They don't give a shit about us people beyond a demographic. They want money. That is the purpose of a corporation, to make money, not save people.

Because the question and answer is about religion, I think that infringes upon some sort of equal opportunity law. I just don't know if it extends to contracts, and I'm sure if it does, it's a case by case situation. This is the law I'm referring to.


Meanwhile, sheeple of the US are split as usual. Conservatives are like, "He has freedom of speech." Liberals are like, "He wasn't protesting." Conservatives are like, "But the Bible does say those things," and LIberals are like, "That's what's wrong with the world." And Liberals are like, "He hates homosexuals," and Conservatives are like, "You are taking him out of context."

So then I'm like, in VARIOUS places on Facebook where the readership is mainly liberal or atheists, "It's not about Freedom of Speech. It's about Equal Opportunity. Ironically, the same law that protects homosexuals also protects the religious nut jobs."  So of course most people respond with an argument about how it's not about freedom of speech. Insert blank stare. There's a lot of white Americans out there where English is obviously not their first language.

Other responses/arguments I've received... Remarkably. Brace yourself... 

  • Phil doesn't deserve his civil rights because either he doesn't like gay people or because he's privileged white. (People like that who don't think all people are equal should not be allowed to serve in our armed forces)
  • Saying Homosexual or Gay is the same as saying the n-word (the white person actually spelled it out. asshole... so what is the PC term for gay? It wouldn't be Lesbians GAY Bisexual Transgender would it?)
  • I don't understand why Christians label people. People are people. (Because labeling someone a Christian and stereotyping that label is not a label)
  • It's because he equated homosexuality with bestiality, and he alone did that. (Sodomy laws never existed obviously)
  • No, Wikipedia's article on the definition of sodomy that includes both bestiality and homosexuality is not evidence that someone else beat Phil to the concept, nor should we fire Wikipedia for saying such filth because anyone could have written that. Basically, it's ok for wikipedia to equate bestiality with homosexuality, but not Phil. 
  • It's the same situation as Paula Deen (never mind she was the employer not the employee, and never mind she did actually discriminate against black people as opposed to just being racist, and they all spelled Deen Dean. All of them. I thought I was misspelling her name with Deen that's how many of them did it.)
  • It's discrimination against homosexuals to say homosexuality is a sin (is it discrimination against the world to say lying is a sin? especially those poor people right before their job interview.. note this is about what discrimination is, not whether or not something is a sin or should be)
  • Considering homosexuality a sin is not a religious belief (Sin has nothing to do with religion, yeah)
  • Saying someone is an idiot is less hurtful than saying something you are doing is a sin (So I can freely call you an idiot?)
  • Anyone can write on the internet so it's not a valid source (never mind the article was written by a guy with a PhD, do you have a PhD? No, you don't even get any D because you ugly... sorry that was to the person who said it not you the reader). 

My responses:

Do I blame public education or the hormones in the meat?
I feel like I'm in a bad dream, that's the last time I fall asleep to the movie Idiocracy

Now mind you, in my experience, my stereotype based on my experience, I expect an irrational argument from the fanatics on the conservative side. I never saw that side of the liberal side until this. It pissed me off. The smarter bunch were awesome. Does the law extend to contracts? There we go. Let's discuss it. But the ones who used their emotions to govern their argument had a much more insulting argument. In the name of saving the gay people who did not need saved from Phil Robertson, they were quick to pick and choose who deserves civil rights. I'm sorry, I was under the impression that all men were created equal, and that includes black people, homosexuals, and the privileged whites.

Then the other issue is that many of them totally disregard the history of the word sodomy. It's definition includes both bestiality and homosexuality. We have sodomy laws in many states that have yet to be removed. They just are not really enforced. We just removed it from the military law. When we did, for the whole accepting gays in the military, most conservative headlines would suggest the military was allowing bestiality like it's the same thing, it's because it was the same law that governed both cases. When talking to a lot of people, not just one or two, I mean like 50 people plus reading the articles on the web, they sound like Phil Robertson was the first guy to ever put that in the same context and he deserves everything he gets for being such an asshole for it. Again he doesn't deserve any civil rights for it either.

I just don't understand how people are so hate filled. BOTH sides preach about love while spreading hate. BOTH sides try to shut each other up. The reason being? It's people. That's typical people for you. It is human nature to be a hypocrite, to preach and not practice what you preach, to shut up and insult anyone who disagrees with you, to hate anything you don't understand, and then act like you are exempt from that side of human nature. We have an evil within us. Don't embrace it.

And please note: Phil is not the first person to put the two together. It's historical. The world has done it for more years than it has not.
Of course anyone can write the internet, so all those sources are fucked up false I'm sure, and if you feel that way, go to the fucking library and look it up bitch. Or better yet, read the Bible. It's in there too. That book definitely existed before Phil did.

EDITED TO ADD... This article shows more of the interview in context :)

PS. Even though Google is available to anyone to use, I feel like because I'm one of the few who uses it, I GOT THE POWER.

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